Recession Risk

I spend a good deal of time trying to respond to the social media/ online/ learning needs of all sorts of organisations.  There is a commercial imperative to my efforts. Bluntly, I sell ideas.  But these are peculiar times. Recession changes the game. In economic straits, all business, but public organisations especially, are less likely […]

Clever Fools

Now, here’s a clever science game.  A game that actually generates valuable scientific outputs. Foldit is a game from Seth Cooper and his colleagues at the University of Washington where players score points by squeezing as many  proteins as possible into a chemically stable configuration.  Understanding how proteins can fold together is essential to establishing […]

This Week’s Review

Some of the articles that I’ve seen this week. Pathological internet use by teenagers can lead to depression according to School of Medicine, Sydney and SunYat-Sen University. Childhood traits predict adult behaviour according to report from University of California Riverside. Behind the scenes of the museum…there’s real value.  Director of the National Media […]

What people think of Play with Learning

shaneCarlton delivered a course on Creativity that fundamentally changed the way that I and some of my colleagues approach our work. He possesses an engaging style and presents course material in a way that encourages introspection. Quickly gaining this positive rapport, he applies an acute knowledge of the Creative industry. His course was a real eye-opener for us. He doesn’t just get you thinking, he empowers you by making you aware of the steps you can take to achieve a more creative atmosphere in your business. Both I and our business have benefited greatly from our involvement with Carlton.

I can’t recommend both Carlton and Play with Learning highly enough.

adrianCarlton is a star. In a world full of charlatons and chancers, Carlton stands out as a someone who can be trusted, respected for his knowledge and experience, is passionate but realistic about the potential of digital media, creates excellent teams and delivers top quality stuff.
If you are looking for someone with pedigree and passion in the digital media production space then Carlton is someone to talk to!

holliCarlton brings great creativity, integrity and originality in his approach to work from the development stages through to completion. He combines a very interesting and unique set of skills and areas of interests and demonstrates high levels of knowledge across all of them, instilling great confidence in the client. Also a real pleasure to work with!