
I’ve been pleased to provide expertise to education providers, media organisations and business around the world (including the UN and BBC). My work includes:

Media Production

Some recent examples of the kind of media production work I do:

A multiplayer Facebook game for the Open University to encourage young adults to consider the value of their personal information online

A multiplayer Facebook game for the Open University to encourage young adults to consider the value of their personal information online

Media for a Head teacher leadership development programme in the Middle East

Media resources for a UN Head teacher leadership development programme in the Near East


A children’s website for Tyneside Cinema exploring the news from the perspective of journalists, media organisations and individuals in the stories.



I have provided analysis and strategy in areas such as:

  • picasion.com_e14b8bf7d8738e1c99523eaa072bb6d7Multiplatform production and campaigning
  • Game-based learning
  • Educational games
  • Learning design
  • Curriculum design
  • Game design

Learning & Development

I offer and have delivered professional development, corporate training and university teaching in the following areas:

  • picasion.com_80aff43e667a6174e9c16310f086c7b3Game-based learning
  • Gamification
  • Multiplatform production
  • Storytelling and narrative
  • The art and science of Creativity
  • Creative media enterprise


I have had the pleasure of working with the many organisations including:

sq bbc sq c4 sq illumina sq nfts sq numiko sq ort sq ou sq pearson sq skillset sq tyneside sq unrwa sq uob