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Recession Risk

I spend a good deal of time trying to respond to the social media/ online/ learning needs of all sorts of organisations.  There is a commercial imperative to my efforts. Bluntly, I sell ideas.  But these are peculiar times. Recession changes the game.

In economic straits, all business, but public organisations especially, are less likely to take risks. Good ideas aren’t necessarily marketable because failure is a luxury associated with the safety net of good times. Lots of novel ideas have to be diluted to make them ‘safe.’ Organisations replicate, possible iterate but rarely innovate when ‘efficiency’ and cost-saving are the paramount considerations.  It is enormously frustrating. And possibly counter-productive. New ideas offer a way out.

So when does a good idea become a great idea? An idea worth risking?  And more importantly, how do you convince those wanting a service?

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