There’s been all sorts of hoo-haa about the ‘RIP Raoul Moat you Legend’ Facebook page and its 30,000 fans. Now it’s been removed by its creator, Siobhan O’Dowd. What the media hasn’t reported is that one needed to be a fan in order to comment. And most of the comments were virulently anti-Moat. Evidently most […]
Archive by Author
Social Media in Education (Part 3) – Learning
This is my last blog of the thoughts I shared at the recent Social Media in Education podcamp. In my previous two posts, I’ve suggested that educational initiatives using Facebook et al have often failed to appreciate user behaviour or offer any genuine social value to their audience. I end with the thought that for […]
Social Media in Education (Part 2) – Value
In my previous post, I suggested that for learning providers, simply having a presence on social media networks is not enough to engage students: not only are teens fabulously fickle, they are wary, resentful even, of authorities encroaching into their personal space: “Facebook is more a ‘personal’ thing and i don’t really want to get […]
Social Media in Education (Part 1)
I was fortunate to participate in the recent Social Media in Education podcamp at Doncaster College. In the midst of many people highlighting the benefits of social media, I speculated about the reasons so many initiatives from educational establishments fail to engage. Not to ridicule or condemn but to improve. This is about learning, after […]
Hello world!
Sometimes in life, something happens that provides the kick you need. Today, Rob Wilmot and Chris Brogan gave me that kick. (Thank you both). I’ve been umming and ahhhing about a new blog for some time. My previous blog seemed to have run its course, describing the first few years of my little girl, Scarlett, […]