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Six word story

I love the way that we can use new technologies to make learning and creativity more accessible.  Six word story is a great example.  The premise is self-explanatory and the storytelling takes place on Twitter. The thing I like most about it is the parsimony of the format – you can’t be flabby or lazy […]

Creativity, Wooing Women and Disneyland

The evolutionary psychologist, Geoffrey Miller, has published many papers speculating about the development of human creativity – that is, why would we evolve in such a way that we create apparently wasteful artefacts such as art, poetry, humour and music?  According to Miller it is all about the Mating Mind – it’s peacock feathers and […]

Where success counts

Last week I listened to two fascinating talks from TEDxSheffield.  The first was by Richard St John based on his book, The 8 traits successful people have in common (Amazon link).  St John  describes the results of an extensive survey he’s conducted of the world’s most successful people – leaders from all fields and walks […]

Recession Risk

I spend a good deal of time trying to respond to the social media/ online/ learning needs of all sorts of organisations.  There is a commercial imperative to my efforts. Bluntly, I sell ideas.  But these are peculiar times. Recession changes the game. In economic straits, all business, but public organisations especially, are less likely […]