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Aristotle & The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Storytelling is one of the oldest and most common forms of human communication. Well told stories engage us on the deepest emotional level, form indelible memories and make a profound impact on our lives. It’s hardly surprisingly that storytelling is such a popular phrase in today’s multiplatform world. I have the immense pleasure of regularly […]

Learning stories

If we believe that learning can be a profound, life-changing experience, we cannot merely scratch the surface of a subject but must burrow deeply to its core. No question worth answering is easy.  It takes time and effort. Increasingly many learning providers seem scared of expecting this level of commitment. Many people mistakenly believe that […]

Where was I? Location-based Stories

I’ve been thinking about location-based stories with some very bright students at the University of Bradford [I’m privileged to spend about 10% of my time lecturing].  I thought I would share the simple overview that I gave to them. As David Polinchock over at FutureLab comments, location-based stories have exists as long as people have […]

Multiplatform & technology articles

Some of the recent articles I’ve seen about about multiplatform, transmedia and technology: Multiplatform Tools of attraction: creating multimedia content for games and TV shows. From the Guardian http://j.mp/ivcuIB #multiplatform Ed Cotton: We Need Creative Hybrids – Why Transmedia Is Becoming Mandatory  http://j.mp/jHZLQv Transmedia Defining Transmedia http://j.mp/ljJ5by Jeff Gomez – Storyworlds: The New Transmedia Business Paradigm http://j.mp/lJQqyK […]

Play & games articles

Some of the articles that have caught my attention in the last couple of weeks: Play Swings & Roundabouts in Whitehall: Pat Kane article for Play England’s Play Today http://j.mp/jKQWXV Wanted: More Playful Parents http://j.mp/mII7ph Games & education How social media and game mechanics can motivate students – http://on.mash.to/ieEOyQ Computer Games and the Future of […]

Multiplatform formats

I talk to people a lot about multiplatform productions and transmedia storytelling and one of the first points we discuss is the plethora of options available to producers.  All too often, multiplatform productions are a last minute addition to a TV show and are rarely more ambitious than a programme support website – merely offering […]

Six word story

I love the way that we can use new technologies to make learning and creativity more accessible.  Six word story is a great example.  The premise is self-explanatory and the storytelling takes place on Twitter. The thing I like most about it is the parsimony of the format – you can’t be flabby or lazy […]

Games, Narrative & Storytelling

Following my series on narrative formats, I thought it worth thinking a little about the relationship between narrative, storytelling and games more generally. Storytelling and narrative are central components in many forms of entertainment.  In traditional dramatic media, the authored story engages the viewer emotionally through a set sequence of predetermined pieces of information, like […]

Exploring Interactive Narrative – Simultaneous

I had thought that I would be able to conclude the series on interactive narrative with a flourish talking about 2-screen TV, this being the season for reality shows and all.  Alas, for reasons known best to the broadcasters, this year’s incarnations of Strictly Come Dancing, The Apprentice and others are bereft of the social […]